Saturday, March 26, 2011

What are we doing today?

Tippy-toe has been set loose with a new set of small magnets from the dollar store. he is all over the house checking things out. (cost $1.00 ) He has been occupying himself alone for over an hour. This is cheap entertainment I mean hands on learning. In order to earn the magnets he had to do some handwriting, not his favorite activity.
Pitty-pat also did some handwriting worksheets. Now she is working with the "I Never Forget a Face! matching game and world map". It is a memory game using children around the world in costume. She can point out Michigan, Hawaii, and Japan. I asked Aaron to get a poster frame so I can hang the map up in the family room without Little-man destroying it. Little-man is "helping" her.
Cam has the rock collection out looking over the new additions from the set I bought at the dollar store last week. Amazing how adding one thing makes the set new again.
Little man worked with his abc mat and magnets while the older kids did their handwriting sheets.

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