Monday, March 21, 2011

Frugal Family Meals

I have friends who run a catering business this week our family was blessed with leftovers, a large bag of romaine lettuce, a gollon ziploc of cooked chicken breast,a gallon of salsibury steak, and three dozen eggs from their chickens. For dinner we had a Caesar style salad with boiled eggs and ranch dressing. Today we had mom's famous scrabbled eggs for breakfast I made enough extra to freeze for Chinese fried rice later this week. Then for lunch we used the rest to make a taco salad with venison burger. All three meals cost just pennies--all we had to buy was chips and cheese. Twice this week we have had spaghetti-- once plain with bread sticks and then the kids requested it again so I made meat sauce and garlic toasts for the second batch. These are all good wholesome meals that cost very little to feed a big family. Update Tuesday night we had the steak over noodles and twice this week I have set out chicken breast to put in my lunch for work the rest is frozen for a later meal when i just don't feel like cooking. Thank so much to my good friends!

I have been taking my breakfast and lunch to work. It was costing me about $50.00 every two weeks to eat at work but i am down to less than $10.00 out of each pay check. It takes more time but the meals are better flavored. Mostly I take planned leftovers-make an extra meal or just a little more of the vegetables at dinner to take the next day. It isn't as convenient as running down to the cafeteria but I sure do like the extra money in my check.

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