Symptoms of RAD in Children - Superficially charming and engaging, particularly around strangers or those who they feel they can manipulate
- Indiscriminate affection, often to strangers; but not affectionate on parent’s terms
- Problems making eye contact, except when angry or lying
- A severe need to control everything and everyone; worsens as the child gets older
- Hypervigilant
- Hyperactive, yet lazy in performing tasks
- Argumentative, often over silly or insignificant things
- Frequent tantrums or rage, often over trivial issues
Demanding or clingy, often at inappropriate times
- Trouble understanding cause and effect
- Poor impulse control
- Lacks morals, values, and spiritual faith
- Little or no empathy; often have not developed a conscience
- Cruelty to animals
- Lying for no apparent reason
- False allegations of abuse
- Destructive to property or self
- Stealing
- Constant chatter; nonsense questions
- Abnormal speech patterns; uninterested in learning communication skills
- Developmental / Learning delays
- Fascination with fire, blood and gore, weapons, evil; will usually make the bad choice
- Problems with food; either hoarding it or refusing to eat
- Concerned with details, but ignoring the main issues
- Few or no long term friends; tend to be loners
- Attitude of entitlement and self-importance
- Sneaks things without permission even if he could have had them by asking
- Triangulation of adults; pitting one against the other
- A darkness behind the eyes when raging
Just so you know, we can't read some of it.