Monday, May 27, 2013

More Rock collecting

We went garage sailing and found a geosafari metamorfic rock collection for $1.50 (still in plastic and labels intact)and Slinky Science and More! Rocks and Minerals Mini labs Science for $4.00 (not all pieces are there). Plus I took the kids to the craft bazzar at the highland festival and found two booths with rock collecting specimens so I spent $10.00 on rocks. I got a piece of geode with orange crstals, polished carnelian ($.75) and orance calcite polished ($0.75) float Copper from UP of Michigan $7.00 and 5 polished stones. Little man sat for an hour looking at the ones we got at the bazzar. "buy me more stones mamma" he kept saying. The other two also enjoyed adding to our collection. I need to build a display case or buy a display cabinet. They are getting old enough to leave stuff alone so we can display it. Not too bad for a weekend that was too cold to go out and collect stones.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Stalking the wild asparagus

I am a big fan of Euell Gibbons. I read his book and did a 6th grade project on edible wild foods. I love to forage for food in the semi-wild areas around my home. We actually planted asparagus in my yard among my flowers. If you had told me I would like asparagus as kid there is no way I would have believed you.

Wild asparagus:
Rail trail head on Charles Rd
across the road from Colleen's

Late July/Aug
Choke Cherry:
Behind colleens
Behind Tim and Jan's on dirt road.(Huge Tree)

Late Aug
Roadside ditches along dirt roads

Thursday, May 2, 2013

I miss my clothes line. Clothes always smell so fresh and clean off the line. My honey has twice rigged me a clothes line on the back porch. I am next going to use a Christmas tree stand to hold an umbrella type clothes line. If necessary I will bolt it to the deck.