I got an extra "free day" off from work today so I could really work twice as hard at home with the kids today. so far I have done dishes, 2 loads of laundry, wiped the table, fed the kids twice, cleaned under the dinning room table,and cut out a couple dozen quilt squares. The littles have done school played. Pitty-pat played with the magnetix making patterns,and paper dolls-don't tell her that was math/geometry and living skills, Tippy-toe read his new leggo magazine with help and played baby doll-don't tell him that's reading/english and life skills,little-man sat at the table with his montessori baskets. All before noon-now if only we could get some "real" school work done. The littles don't think it's school unless it is a workbook. I just have to laugh.It is bright and sunny so I think we will go for a nature walk but don't tell them it's science! They just know it's fun!